Human resources
How to adjust employee work hours
Summary Users use the time stamp to punch the start and the end of their shift. The time stamp can also be used to punch the beginning and end of breaks and meals. In case of error on the part of an employee, it is possible to change the start and ...
Time Stamp User Guide
Summary The time stamp is used to know the hours of entry and exit of talents. It can only be used for the beginning and end of the shift, but the ALIX time stamp also allows you to punch the entrances and exits of breaks and / or lunches. ...
How to Modify User Information
Summary When creating a talent, the fields: username, user type, security group and temporary password are generated by the system. Once the talent has been created, these fields can be modified. Modify fields Navigate to Talents section - Talents. ...
How to create talent
Summary Talents represent your company's employees. Once a talent is created, the user can navigate and use ALIX according to their security group. Talents are essential to the operation of the company. Important: please ensure that your number of ...
How to Create Departments, Positions, and Shifts
Summary Departments, positions and shifts established within your organization can be assigned to ALIX talents. Departments Go to Talents - Departments. Press the + at the top left to add a department. To delete a department, press the x next to it. ...
Security groups
Summary The various user's type allow you to assign security groups to users. The different security groups manage access to the different modules. To know more about price and subscription, click here. Security groups per user's type There is two ...