Email Templates Index

Email Templates Index

 Purchase order field index

All fields must be between double brackets to be parsed. ex. {{bill_to_address}}.

Field list:

  1. bill_to_address
  2. bill_to_attention
  3. bill_to_city
  4. bill_to_country
  5. bill_to_phone
  6. bill_to_state
  7. bill_to_state_code
  8. bill_to_street2
  9. bill_to_zip
  10. bill_to_address_id
  11. cid
  12. contact_person_first_name
  13. contact_person_last_name
  14. contact_person_department
  15. contact_person_designation
  16. contact_person_email
  17. contact_person_mobile
  18. contact_person_phone
  19. contact_person_salutation
  20. owner_name
  21. config
  22. created_by
  23. created_by_id
  24. created_date
  25. currency.currency_code
  26. currency.currency_symbol
  27. currency_id
  28. dropship_client_company_name
  29. dropship_client_display_name
  30. dropship_client_id
  31. emailing_details
  32. exist
  33. expected_delivery_date
  34. external_id
  35. generated_number
  36. id
  37. is_dropship
  38. is_supplier_pickup
  39. modified_by
  40. modified_by_id
  41. modified_date
  42. name
  43. notes
  44. order_date
  45. owner_email
  46. owner_id
  47. owner_phone
  48. payment_terms
  49. ship_to_plant_code
  50. ship_to_plant_name
  51. plant_company_name
  52. plant_company_id
  53. reference_number
  54. ship_to_address
  55. ship_to_attention
  56. ship_to_city
  57. ship_to_country
  58. ship_to_phone
  59. ship_to_state
  60. ship_to_state_code
  61. ship_to_street2
  62. ship_to_zip
  63. ship_to_address_id
  64. ship_to_plant_id
  65. shipment_preference
  66. snapped_exchange_rate
  67. status
  68. sub_total
  69. supplier_company_name
  70. supplier_display_name
  71. supplier_language
  72. supplier_zoho_books_contact_id
  73. supplier_zoho_books_tax_id
  74. supplier_address_address
  75. supplier_address_attention
  76. supplier_address_city
  77. supplier_address_country
  78. supplier_address_id
  79. supplier_address_phone
  80. supplier_address_state
  81. supplier_address_state_code
  82. supplier_address_street2
  83. supplier_address_zip
  84. supplier_id
  85. terms_and_conditions

 Sales order field index

All fields must be between double brackets to be parsed. ex. {{bill_to_address}}.

Field list:
  1. bill_to_address
  2. bill_to_address_id
  3. bill_to_attention
  4. bill_to_city
  5. bill_to_country
  6. bill_to_phone
  7. bill_to_state
  8. bill_to_state_code
  9. bill_to_street2
  10. bill_to_zip
  11. carrier_company_name
  12. carrier_display_name
  13. carrier_id
  14. company.company_name
  15. company_id
  16. conditions
  17. contact_person_id
  18. contact_person_first_name
  19. contact_person_last_name
  20. contact_person_department
  21. contact_person_designation
  22. contact_person_email
  23. contact_person_mobile
  24. contact_person_phone
  25. contact_person_salutation
  26. created_by
  27. created_by_id
  28. created_date
  29. currency.currency_code
  30. currency.currency_symbol
  31. currency_id
  32. customer.price_list_id
  33. customer_company_name
  34. customer_display_name
  35. customer_id
  36. customer_language
  37. customer_notes
  38. desired_date
  39. exist
  40. external_id
  41. external_number
  42. id
  43. incoterms
  44. modified_by
  45. modified_by_id
  46. modified_date
  47. name
  48. notes
  49. number
  50. owner_id
  51. plant_code
  52. plant_id
  53. plant_name
  54. price_list_name
  55. project_display_name
  56. project_equipment_discount
  57. project_exist
  58. project_id
  59. project_markup
  60. project_material_discount
  61. project_promised_date
  62. project_resource_discount
  63. project_status
  64. project_subcontract_discount
  65. project_title
  66. project_type
  67. promised_date
  68. quote_number
  69. reference_number
  70. sales_order_date
  71. ship_to_address
  72. ship_to_address_id
  73. ship_to_attention
  74. ship_to_city
  75. ship_to_country
  76. ship_to_phone
  77. ship_to_state
  78. ship_to_state_code
  79. ship_to_street2
  80. ship_to_zip
  81. snapped_exchange_rate
  82. status
  83. sub_so_status.fulfillment_status
  84. sub_so_status.invoice_status
  85. sub_so_status2.paid_status
  86. vendor_company_name
  87. vendor_display_name
  88. vendor_zoho_tax_id

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