Whenever the quantity ordered is greater than the quantity received, it is possible to make a partial reception of goods.
- If there is a target inventory, the quantity received will be added to the target inventory and an inventory with the balance will remain in "To receive" status. When the remainder is received, the quantities will be added to the target inventory.
- If there is no target inventory, an inventory with the quantity received will be created in the status "In Inventory" and the balance will remain in the status "To receive". When the remainder is received, the quantities will be added to the inventory created on the first reception.
To perform a partial reception, follow the instructions above, but replace step 1 with this one:
- Enter the actual quantity received.
- The icon will toggle to the right to indicate that it is a partial reception.
Receiving a greater quantity than the quantity ordered
To perform a reception with a greater quantity than the quantity ordered, a configuration needs to be disabled. You can find it in the following settings :
- Settings -> Settings -> Configurations -> Inventory -> Maximum reception equals ordered measure needs to be disabled.