How to schedule and perform inventory consumption

How to schedule and perform inventory consumption


Inventory consumption can be done in several ways. This can be done manually or automatically when the card arrives at a stage of the value stream.


The quantities to be consumed can be planned in the item or changed manually during consumption. The choice of materials to be consumed must be planned in the card.


 Plan inventory consumption in a card

  1.  Navigate to Planning -> Project and select the desired project.


  1. Go to the Cards section.


  1. If the consumption to be scheduled is in an existing card, select the card. Otherwise, create the card.

      1. Create the card by clicking on the + or by clicking on Add from a template.

      1. By copying from a template, it is possible to copy over consumption by checking Planning.



  1. Select the desired card by clicking on the name of it in the list.


  1. Click on the Planned Consumption section.


  1. Click + Add.


  1. Select the inventory dimension. This can be standard, weight, length, area or volume. The inventory dimension determines what will be available in the item list.


  1. Select the item to consume.


  1. Select the source inventory of the item that will be consumed. The --Auto-- option will automatically choose a source inventory that meets the criteria for planned consumption.


  1. Select the stage at which the inventory will be consumed. However, it can be consumed manually at any time.


  1. If desired, enable auto consumption. The option can be activated only if a step is chosen. When this is activated, consumption will be done automatically at the end of the planned consumption step.

  1. Select the behaviour of the planned consumption. Standard behaviour does not add any special interaction to the planned consumption. Phantom behaviour allows you to copy planned consumptions with their hierarchy when copying a template. This option can be selected only if the target part is manufactured.


 Perform inventory consumption

  1. The card now contains a scheduled consumption. In the value stream, select the card and bring it to the desired step. It is possible to do this either by clicking 2 times on the button or by holding down the mouse button to take the card and drop it into the step.


  1. Once in the table, open the card, then go to the Consumption tab.


  1. Click on the checkmarks at the top right to consume all the raw materials at the same time.

  2. Click on the singular checkmark to consume a single raw material.


  1. Once the consumption is made, the raw materials, the quantities consumed and the sources appear. These can be changed at any time. You can cancel consumption with the X.


  1. To see the history of consumption, we must go to the inventory in question, then to the Transactions tab. It is possible to see the incoming and outgoing quantities of the inventory since its creation.

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