The value stream is the central element of operations management. This can be adjusted to represent any manufacturing process or business process. The value stream can contain equipment, standby steps and value-added steps.
Configure the value stream
Go to Settings -> Settings -> Value Stream.
The value stream screen contains several elements:
Adds a step to the value stream.
Replaces the value stream currently in production with the current one. Use after making the changes.
Lists the different value streams of the organization.
Displays the labor time of the step.
Displays the equipment time of the step.
Unlocks the step change.
Deletes the step.
Allows the configuration of the equipment of the step.
Allows you to configure the visibility of the steps.
Configuring a step
The rank indicates the place of the step in the value stream. A rank of 2 means that the step is the second to be completed.
The code is used to identify the step. The code is a letter for waiting steps and a number for value-added steps.
The Title is the displayed name of the step in the board.
The opening tab is the default tab that will be opened when the card is opened.
When Open On Move is enabled, the card will open automatically when it changes stages.
The Number of card alerts is the minimum number of cards at which an alert will be displayed in the step.
It is impossible to have more cards in a step than the maximum number of cards allowed.
The maximum labor time represents the maximum number of scheduled hours that can be found in the stage at the same time without having an alert. When the padlock is activated, it sets the maximum number of hours that can be in the step. It will therefore be impossible to put more hours instead of having an alert.
The maximum equipment time represents the maximum number of scheduled hours that can be found in the stage at the same time. When the padlock is activated, it sets the maximum number of hours that can be in the step. It will therefore be impossible to put more hours instead of having an alert.
If the step is a waiting stage, determine the stage for which the cards are waiting.
When Wait Step is enabled, the step becomes a Wait Step.
When Priorize is enabled, cards in the stage can be organized from most important (top) to least important (bottom).
When Working Time = Deadlines is enabled, the time spent by the card in the step determines the working time.
When Supermarché is activated, the step is used to display the raw material kanban.
When Pacemaker is enabled, indicates that the step is vital to the value stream.
Determines the cost per labor hour.
Determines the seller per hour labor.
Determines the cost per hour equipment.
Determines the seller per hour equipment.
When inspection/QA is enabled, indicates that the step is an inspection step.
When Validation is enabled, the inventory quantities planned in the card are checked when it enters the step. If quantities are not available, an alert is issued.
If the stage is a standby stage and Rework is enabled, the color of the stage is changed and can be assigned as a review area for faulty cards.
May 9, 2022 Context This update brings some minor improvements and fixes. News ✯ Other Minor Improvement(s) Minor improvement in the behavior of cards with work cells when multiple equipment are associated with the same step. Now the system no ...
Context This update brings a minor improvement and a couple of fixes. Release date: June 13th, 2024. Receive the latest news from ALIX by subscribing to the newsletter.. News Minor improvements Added the ability to bind a waiting column to an ...
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